Tolulope Yamah
Tapasztalt oktató vagyok, több mint három évtizeddel a tudásiparban. Okleveles TRCN oktató.
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Táncos fitnesz
I am passionate about generating positive energy for accelerated growth. I believe in changing the world with effective and productive communication. I have assisted many learners to overcome various learning difficulties with practical and skillful approaches in lessons delivery. I also believe and practice functional education which assist learners to interact successfully with their environment and generate necessary 21st century skills in adapting to the changing world.
I have taught learners in the nursery, elementary, secondary and tertiary levels both in personal and in the class environment. I have teachers registration council of Nigeria as a registered teacher. I have first degree in English studies from Obafemi A
My style of teaching is interactive and learners directed. As a teacher, I assist learners to recognise and generate inner potentials.