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- a Bécsi Egyetem eng-B2 minősítésével - nyelvtani tartalom - beszédülés -Nevezd meg
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Ciao! My name is Francois I am currently ending my economics studies in the English language in the city of Vienna, I have lived abroad for four years already and this experience has improved my language skills, I can speak fluent professional English thanks to the courses that I attended in order to access my faculty and that made me obtain a B2 certificate in English. Ever since I have worked in the tourism sector, that has challenged me to improve my speaking skills and my vocabulary.
With the Trial, we can discuss your necessities in order for me to propose you a path tailored to your necessities.
I have attended English courses provided by the University of Vienna
I live in Vienna which is an international city
I have always worked in contact with foreigners
I was born and raised in Italy
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