Assala Faysal
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Online volt 5 hónappal ezelőttTanítarabBeszélArab(Anyanyelvi)SpecialitásokBeszélhessek az emberekkelMegtanuljam az alapokatFejlesszem a nyelvtudásomatÉrdeklődések
Hello! It’s Assala, I’m from Lebanon and I’m Hospitality Management Graduate, I’m 26 years old and I love training and helping others due to my skills in communication and my hobbies in writing and reading Arabic.
I taught kids, I write small stories in Arabic it’s a hobby that I got from my Mother, and she is a certified teacher and writer.
My students will gain writing and reading skills, they will love learning Arabic as I’m skilled in professional Arabic and in my Lebanese accent I can help to make everything easier on my students. I will study my students behavior and preferences to achieve the gaol together.