Amalia pitusa ondo almonte
Üzletvezető hallgató vagyok, de spanyol és angol nyelvet is tanítok.
Online volt előző évTanítspanyolBeszélSpanyol(Anyanyelvi), AngolSpecialitásokBeszélhessek az emberekkelMegtanuljam az alapokatGyerekekhez kellÉrdeklődések
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Személyes növekedés
My name is amalia as shown on my profile I'm from Equatorial guinea but I currently live in the Philippines, I am a very patient and friendly person. As for my age I'm 26 years old my hobby is to speak with different people because that way I get to learn a lot of different things.
I use to teach Spanish and English in guinea as part time but now, I want to do it in a more serious way.
My student need to know that the class will be dynamic and also they need to be willing to open up and above all it will be a collaborative class.