5 lekcija
Certified ESLEnglish and French Language Specialist /Spécialiste de la langue anglaise et française
Zadnji put online prije 2 godinePredajeengleskifrancuskiGovoriEngleski(Nativni), Francuski, NjemačkiSpecijalitetiPoslujteRazgovarajte s ljudimaNaučite osnoveZa djecuPoboljšajte stručnost
I am a 20 year old teacher from South Africa and I am currently persuing a degree in language specialisation in German and French.
Je suis un enseignante de 20 ans originaire d'Afrique du Sud et je poursuis actuellement un diplôme de spécialisation linguistique en allemand et en français.
I have conducted over 5000 lessons and I have been formally tutoring for 3 years. I am also an academic facilitator.
Classes will be adjusted and conducted according to your own needs. Flexible, easy and fun!
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Robin is a very good tutor. she has good teaching skills, and her courses are very interesting.
I had a conversation with Robin, and she was very nice - I like how she taught English.