Jess Clapham
29 lekcija
Certificirani TEFL učitelj engleskog jezika
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As part of my development as a lecturer, I have taken the opportunity to use a variety of teaching techniques. I am familiar with group work, personal research, online tutorial work, counterpart training and oral proficiency assessment. I am part of the postgraduate team establishing blended-learning through MOOCs and Open Educational Resources for the MA in TESOL with partners in China.
I enjoy kayaking, walking, reading and poetry.
During the summer I have provided ELT tutoring for online students from mainland China, Taiwan and France (ESP Business English). I also examine the MA Education course at the University of St Mark and St John, Plymouth and I am an honorary lecturer at Ca
I provide interesting, lively English lessons. I have a thorough knowledge of TESOL particularly with mature students and the international cohort. I have excellent negotiation skills, an ability to develop mutually agreeable outcomes with people at many levels in the organisation and externally. I am a good listener and communicate persuasively and confidently both verbally and in writing to internal team members, student groups and external groups. I realise that communication must be of the highest professional standard whilst remaining aware of high standards and the vulnerability of the student involved and being sensitive to their individual linguistic needs.
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bila je to jako dobra uvodna lekcija! Hvala!
Bio je to stvarno izvrstan i otvoren razgovor! Mislim da je Jess sjajna učiteljica i više je kao trenerica! Toplo je preporučujem! :)