Hafsa Rafiq
Ja sam certificirani TESOL učitelj, predavao sam engleski odraslima, studentima i djeci u Istanbulu.
Zadnji put online prošle godinePredajeengleskiGovoriEngleskiSpecijalitetiCertificirano:TESOLPripremite se za ispitePoslujteRazgovarajte s ljudimaNaučite osnovePoboljšajte stručnostInteresi
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Jednaka prava
I was born in pakistan, studying in Istanbul and i enjoy playing football.
I’m preparing for medicine and surgery exams.
Born in English speaking household later on i did TESOL to be qualified in teaching English on a professional level.
I expect my students to be less restrictive and allow the language to be learned in more creative and natural way than traditional.
I would like to know about goals so i can teach accordingly for that goal.