Glen Williams
26 lekcija
Certificirani napredni TEFL učitelj
Zadnji put online prošle godinePredajeengleskiGovoriEngleski(Nativni)SpecijalitetiCertificirano:TEFLPripremite se za ispiteRazgovarajte s ljudimaNaučite osnoveZa djecuPoboljšajte stručnostInteresi
My name is Glen and I'm 27 and I live in Wales in the United Kingdom!
As well as an English teacher I'm a professional Photographer and Content Creator.
I am extremely passionate about language and I'm fluent in English, Welsh and also currently studying Mandarin!
I'm an Advanced TEFL qualified teacher and have experience in teaching in Beijing, China.
During my time in china I taught classes with ages ranging from 5-14, and also class sizes of 3-25 students. This has taught me to be a dynamic teacher and learnt
As a photographer I love to add creativity into my lessons! As well as that I strongly believe in a student-centric approach. I try to build a bond with each individual student allowing me to create a tailor-made learning experience for each individual learner. My lessons are also fun and relaxing with guaranteed results.
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Glen, thank you so much for today's lesson. It was great
No problem Marta! See you soon :)