David Silva
Diploma engleske književnosti.
Zadnji put online prije 11 mjeseciPredajeengleskiportugalskiGovoriPortugalski(Nativni), Engleski, Njemački, Ruski, ŠpanjolskiSpecijalitetiPoslujteRazgovarajte s ljudimaNaučite osnovePoboljšajte stručnostInteresi
Hi there!
My name is David and I'm from Brazil. I love teaching English since the beginning of my career. My forever mission is to make you at least understand how this language works: in every human interaction, such as conversation through casual talking, movies, arts, social media, propaganda, literature, and so on.
Although I have only a bachelor's degree in English Literature, I never stop learning. Improving my ability to teach using many useful tools, such as Anki and other tools that can help you.
You can expect a better understanding of the English language and also how it works for every kind of human interaction.