Samar Haidar Ahmad
Zertifizierter ESL-Lehrer für Mittelstufe, Sekundarstufe und Universität
War letztes Jahr onlineUnterrichtetEnglischSprichtArabischSpezialisierungenKonversationGrundlagen erlernenFür KidsKenntnisse verbessernInteressen
Persönliches Wachstum
Hi, I'm from Lebanon. I am 48 years old . I have five nice children.
I have been teaching English language for 25 years. I have taught all classes, starting by elementary , passing by Intermediate and secondary, and ending in university levels . I have finished my Masters degree in English literature, and besides I have a
I like to simplify all English lessons, and i can help in teaching Arabic sessions for native speakers in America or any other place around .