Professioneller Arabischlehrer, der es liebt, Arabisch zu unterrichten
War vor 10 Monaten onlineUnterrichtetArabischSprichtArabisch(Muttersprachler), EnglischSpezialisierungenGeschäftstätigkeitKonversationGrundlagen erlernenKenntnisse verbessernInteressen
Hello, I am Ahmed. I am from Egypt. Although I am native Arabic. I started learning classical Arabic about seven years ago, and now I have a deep understanding of its grammar, which helps me in simplifying it to the student, and also I connect Arabic to English as much as I can, so the learner can easily undrstand the rules using the language he already knows.
I usually teach using madinah book, which is a well known book.
Although I am native, I started learning classical Arabic about seven years ago.
I have a deep understanding of its grammar, which helps me in simplifying it to the student, and also I connect Arabic to English as much as I can, so the learner can easily undrstand the rules using the language he already knows.