⭐️ Master TEFL Certified ESL Teacher 8 years of experience/IELTS Coach⭐️*Welcome to Class*
⚡Expert in free conversation topics
⚡Correction after every mistake
⚡Over 20,000 lessons conducted
⚡Comfortable Learning Environment
⚡TOEIC Expert great passing level
⚡IELTS SPECIALIST (Excellent student pass rate)
⚡TOEFL, CAMBRIDGE Exam preparation (Flyers, Movers, starters)
⚡Encourage Students to Express Themselves
⚡Over 4 thousand e books. RAZ, Mc Graw Hill, Cambridge, Business books.
⭐️ Hi, my name is William. I have been an ESL teacher for the last 8 years. I can help you out with IELTS, TOEIC or TOEFL . I have a bachelor's in education and have acquired several certifications related to education, such as ESL professional skills and a Master TEFL certification for 150 hours. I am adept in learning style assessments and Individualized Lesson Plans for students of all ages. I Am very creative, and reliable, which helps to keep the students engaged. I have lots of patience and I always treat students with respect and a friendly attitude⭐️