7年中英文教学经验, 认证TEFL教师 7 years experiences of teaching mandarin Chinese and English, TEFL Certified
我来自中国, 目前生活在南非。 I come from China and currently live in South Africa.
我在非洲华文教育基金会中文学校教授中文和英文,有7年教学经验, 教授6至18岁学生以及成年人。我根据学生中英文水平, 制定个性化教学方案,评估学生的学习状况以及表现, 向家长定期提供学习报告,并组织学生家长会, 讨论学生学习情况并制定相应改进策略;
I teach both Chinese and English in African Chinese Language Foundation School. I have 7 years of teaching experiences, instructing students from 6 to 18 and adults as well. i develop the customized improvement plan for students on the base of individual student's language level, evaluate their progress and performance and report findings to their parents. I also conduct parent-teacher conferences to discuss student progress and develop strategies for improvement.
我 擅长通过兴趣引导学生,以语言为工具,激发学生的学习热情, 挖掘他们的内在潜力。 我的教学风格风趣、幽默,以学生为主, 授课过程充满活力,引人入胜,深受学生的喜爱。
I specialize in guiding students through their interests, using language as a tool to ignite their enthusiasm for learning and explore their potential. My teaching style is lively and humorous, students centered, making the learning process engaging and captivating. I am greatly loved by my students.