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2712 questions about English

  • please may I Know I want to learn speaking English with people especially native without nay charges

    I want some tip from tutor is how I can get speaking partner

  • Is there any additional meaning of the word fade?
  • Is there any slang meaning for the word "snake"?

    I know what is snake, but I wonder if there is any slang meaning of this word?

    Best answer

    “Snake” can be used as a slang term to describe someone who is deceitful. “Tom was a snake when he told the boss I was late for work”. I’m not sure how common it is used. It’s not a term I ever use or hear.

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  • I want to change my subscription to more lessons per month and prolong lesson’s time to 60mins.How?
  • If I want to say "example" in a shorter way, should I use "ex." or "e.g."?

    Can I use ex or e.g. for the word "example"? And is there any difference?

  • Are the words "condescending" and "patronizing" synonyms?

    I don't understand if I can use "condescending" and "patronizing" interchangeably? Or is there any difference between them?

    Best answer

    Hello Ewan, You can use both of them in the same way and the meaning is quite similar yes. I would just point out that most of the time 'condescending' is used with a negative connotation meaning 'superior or arrogant' whereas 'patronising' is not commonly used in that way, on the contrary its meaning might be one of the 'supportive' somehow. Greetings and thanks for your question,

  • What preposition is correct to use with "speak"? Speak with or speak to?

    I have no idea if there is any difference between "speak to" or "speak with". Which option is correct?

    Best answer

    “Speak to” is used when the two people speaking are at different levels, one is in a position of power over the other “My boss speaks to me about working late”. “Speak with” is used when the two peple are at the same levels “ I speak with my friend about our favourite actor”.

  • Can I use the phrase "stay well" instead of "take care"?

    I'm not sure that "stay well" is the same as "take care". Is it the same?

    Best answer

    Take care is grammatically correct. Stay safe is,much better than stay well

  • What word order is correct in this case: two hours and a half or two and a half hours?
    Best answer

    Hey there! ⏳🕜 Two and a half hours. Explanation: It is not really a question of grammaticality, one way is just more common than the other. Hence, both forms are acceptable. The common trend is two and a half hours, which means 2 hours + half an hour. Hope it’s crashed now😊🙂💡💫

  • Is there any difference between these two verbs: to look for and to search for?

    Could you explain to me the difference between "to look for" and "to search for"? Or are they the same?

    Best answer

    Hi there there is no real difference. To search is just used more formally . Look for on the other hand is more casual . These can be used interchangeably.