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3250 questions about English

  • How will you make it fun and interesting with your online classes?

    What kind of games, to get their attention?

    Best answer

    There are plenty of things to make the lesson interesting! Some of them are playing games connected with grammar or vocabulary, watching mini-films / music videos and discussing them afterwards, ask student's opinion on specific topics (light or deep) which improves their brain work and helps using as much vocabulary as they know. It's important to involve your student to do something together, that makes your lesson successful :)

  • What is the difference between Dinosaur and Dragon?
  • Prepositions I am (in, on, at) the plane.
    Best answer

    "I'm on the plane" is correct; "I'm in the plane" is, technically speaking, correct grammar (because you're inside an enclosed space) but not a collocation. We don't say it that way, even though we could. Prepositions can be tricky and are often reliant on how we perceive a situation. "On" is normally used to indicate something is on a specific surface or on top: "the salt is on the table", "the cat is on the TV" (aren't they always?). When traveling, though, we often say "I'm on the plane" or "I'm on the ferry", because it's an abbreviation of the phrase "I'm getting on the ferry" (we just drop the verb "getting"). When we use "at", we use it to indicate a specific place as compared to a physical space, for instance a place on a map. "I'm at work" or "I'm at the supermarket" is where we would find ourselves if we were looking at a map. Or we could say "I'm in my office" (a physical space) or "I'm in the meat department", instead of "at work" or "at the supermarket".

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  • Prepositions: I am (in, on, at) the helicopter.
  • Prepositions: I am (in, on, at) the car.
  • ______ the difficulty of the task, she was able to complete it on time. A) Despite B) In spite of
  • Complete the sentence The _____ of the building was so impressive that I couldn't help but stare.
    Best answer

    The magnitude of the building was so impressive that I couldn't help but stare.

  • Complete the sentence My boss is always _____ me to work harder and be more productive.
    Best answer

    To complete this sentence you can use any of several gerunds. My boss is always encouraging. motivating, persuading or pushing me to work harder and be more productive.

  • Complete the sentence. The _____ of the cake was so rich and creamy that I couldn't stop eating it.
    Best answer

    Piece of take

  • I suggest Mary ______ home. A) goes B) go
    Best answer

    If you replace the name 'Mary' with the pronoun 'she' then the sentence should read present tense: I suggest Mary goes home. A better sentence would be: I suggest that Mary goes home. Adding the pronoun 'that' gives more clarity and direction.