which are the best Netflix movies or series for the development of learning skills?

I am doing IELTS and English is my secondary language. I am facing difficulty in the understanding of British accent so that's why I need to enhance my learning skills. Could you recommend please any series or movies on Netflix for this purpose?

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Just so you know , there’s no such thing as a “ British accent “ , in reality . The people in the North have a different accent to those in the South and within that each major town/ county has its own accents . I’m originally from Liverpool and speak with a “ Scouse “ accent . I’m also known as a “ Scouser “ . Manchester is only 50 miles away and they speak with a “ Manc “ accent. Londoners are known as “ cockneys “ and speak with a cockney accent . Guy Ritchie movies often show a variety of British accents in them .

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