What helps you feel confident when speaking? What discourages you?

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9 answers from our tutors

  • It helps me feel confident when my classmates are listening to me I can see their eyes that they are interested to what I am saying. But I get discourage when no one is listening. :)

  • When I want to speak confidently, First of all; -I write down what I'm to say: This helps when you struggle to speak up as it minimizes stutters or stumbles. -I develop my skills in lower-risk Environments: Identify some opportunities to get out of your comfort zone. Look for people or environments that are lower in risk, or where you have a strong support system. -I define why my voice is important: Small voices have a big impact. -Visualizing the conversation first, then act. -Paying attention to my body and verbal language. What discourages me when speaking; -Judgements: Negatively, an audience thinking the worst of me. -Lacking credibility: This happens especially when one is new to the subject. -When the audience are flat and unresponsive -Thinking that people will say I'm boring -Stress of freezing on stage.

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  • I am most confident when I have done all my research and properly prepared for what I am talking about. I am most discouraged when the person I am talking to doesn't seem interested in what I am saying.

  • I am more confident in speaking when my students are comfortable to talk with. (I mean is, they are not rude or the bossy type when in class) It makes the class more fun and you can really feel the closeness you have in class. What discourages me is a student who just want to pissed off their teachers, shows superiority and not equality, and a student who answers rudely. Most importantly a student who doesn't answer you back because they are doing something.

  • What motivates me is when I put in mind that the people Iam addressing are humans like me. Howerver, what doscourages me is when I speak to someone who is disrespectful.

  • What could make me confident is knowing the target audience and preparing for what questions they'll ask me. What discourages me is finding a lack of interest in what I worked on.

  • I can speak in both public and within my friends.

  • Speaking in front my friends helps me feel confident but speaking in front of public discourages me

  • Knowing that i have full information about what am speaking about.I get discouraged when people are not listening or are not responding or asking questions for clarity

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