What distinct strengths can non-native English teachers bring to the classroom?

Think of the ongoing debate of who makes a better English teacher when it comes to second language learning, native or non-native?

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It really depends on the individual tutor. Being a native English speaker does not guarantee that one can effectively teach people their language. I have personally met a fair share of so called "native English speakers" whose language abilities are of great concern. I think teacher training helps both native and non-native teachers with appropriate skills to successfully deliver lessons to students.

  • If the non native English speaking speaks the English language and has a good command of that language, then teach it.

  • Evelyn
    EvelynCountry flag: ph
    Singing teacher.

    I believe that it is not a question of wether a teacher is a native or non-native speaker. As far as my teaching technique is concerned, I never stop learning and discovering how to improve more and better my craft. It is a nonstop learning process, anyway.

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  • Non-native English tutors can teach Grammatical Structure better than Natives as they have developed a linguistic sense. Furthermore, they are better with learners. Natives are better with teaching branches of science that they are specialized in like literature, auditing theses and articles from a scientific point of view.But when it comes to teaching English as a Foreign or second language, non-native English teachers are better suited. This is my own point of view with all the due respect to any one who may object. For example, a native English teacher can find errors in what i have just written. While any native speaker may find these lines OK for communication

  • From my point of view, non-native English teachers learned English as a second/foreign language. So, non-natives can improve writing, reading, and listening skills of the students in a better way. Natives have the edge in making a student fluent in the target language. However, a good non-native English teacher can do that too.

  • Native

  • Native speakers are able to breakdown the language.more effectively.

  • I believe its all about the tutor incorporating the two languages together in order for effective learning to take place

  • Hi There are two kind of teachers : passionate and really motivated native or not teachers and passive teacher. So it doesn't matter if yig are a native. But love, engagement, devotion in every job day Best regards

  • i believe its more about the teaching skills.

  • To understand this question deeply, we need to revisit how we think of the skills teachers bring. We have a tendency in the west (and in some non-native speaking cultures) to think in absolute terms, eg. steak or liver. In fact, teaching skills is obviously plural and requires a variety of skill sets; a better comparison might be fruit salad, which has a variety of ingredients. Teachers will naturally be better at some skills and not so good at others, regardless of whether they're native or non-native English speakers. In this context, whether someone is a native or non-native speaker is irrelevant; what does matter, as someone else pointed out, is how well prepared the teacher is and how much effort they've put in to developing their teaching skills. In that case, it really comes down to the individual person and how committed they are, not whether English is their L1.

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