The juice is worth the squeeze. What is it?

What is the meaning of the phrase "The juice is worth the squeeze"?

11 answers from our tutors

Best answer

Hi SammyCO, "The juice is worth the squeeze" means the reward is worth the effort required to obtain it. An example would be going to the gym, all the time and effort spent working out leads to you looking and feeling better. Hope this helps, Regards, Herman

  • Hello! It means that the effort put into something is justified by the outcome In simple terms meaning hard work is worth the reward at the end.

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  • If you work hard to achieve your goal, the struggle that you went through was worth it because, in the end, you have archived your goal. Hope this helped, Annika

  • If you don't try you will never know! If you are not prepared to climb the mountain you will never reach the summit!

  • It was worth it. The results of the action is all worth it

  • Hello Sammy, This is an idiomatic expression. An idiomatic expression is one that is said to present a figurative meaning, that's not literal. The literal meaning of this one in Spanish would more or less be. 'Este jugo merece la pena exprimirlo". It is used when assessing a job or task to do, someone wants to express that the effort of doing that job will be finally compensated satisfactorily. In Spanish we have a phrase with a similar meaning 'merece la pena el esfuerzo'. I hope that helps, Greetings,

  • It means the effort put into something is justified by the outcome.

  • It's an idiom meaning that the effort/hard work (squeeze) is worthwhile because the (juice) reward is so great. Hope that helps Sammy!

  • Hello SammyCo, it means that if you think what you get as a result of an effort made is worth it , you should go for it , you should take the risk in order to get the end result or achieve a goal. You need to squeeze the fruit in order to get the juice and drink it. The opposite may well be ' you cannot have your cake and eat it :) ......

  • Hey, It means that the outcome is worth the work/effort. To make orange juice you have to squeeze some oranges but in the end, it's worth your time and effort.

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