Teachers, how are you maintaining focus from your students without being pushy or demanding? 😄

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Hi It s up to the teacher!!! Be smart, choose attractive topics make the lesson instructive but funny and relaxing at the same time Best Regards

  • Hi Jade! Now focus is a topic I really like discussing I've been working with kids and teenagers for almost 13 years already and for sure their focus span(just like pretty much everyone's :) ) is getting shorter and shorter, so here are a couple of tools I use 1. Snap camera(or something similar) - this is a great tool for keeping(especially) young learners in front of the screens, for example, I can use a Lightsaber from Star Wars to teach colors(you can change the color of the saber) 2. Voicemode - this one helps me with audio, for example when the student makes the right choice or gives the right answer I can use the famous "Rimshot" to indicate that, or when the answer isn't correct I can use the "Error" sound, this can "refresh" even adults And the most important thing: You need to be engaged and interested -> students are prone to imitate and copy their teachers no tools will be able to make it interesting if you're not

  • Choosing topics that student can relate to, role playing, in fact there aremany activities. Just don't stay on one subject too long.

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  • I try to introduce a topic that they might be interested in. Once I get their attention, I incorporate the lesson into the topic.

  • This is all about your ability to manage your classroom effectively. You have to be very flexible and dynamic to figure out each students concerns at a particular time and your lessons should be students centered. Let the objectif of the class be clearly stated at the beginning of each class to keep them on track

  • It all comes back to how well you can manage the classroom Being the only one who talks for the whole session makes your student bored and they probably start listening after 5 minutes. Keeping the topic in their circle of interests and maintaining a two-way conversation to keep them in the loop helps them stay focus during the lesson. Asking them questions after a certain section and having a discussion about the topic and their opinion is also a good way to maintain focus.

  • To maintain focus from students without being pushy, establish clear expectations, use varied teaching methods, incorporate active learning, check for understanding regularly, cater to their interests, offer positive reinforcement, build relationships, and remain flexible.

  • Hello Jude,thank you for a good question. Okay,according to my experience and classroom skills have acquired. I maintain focus through asking student questions that are open ended,hence involve them in talking their opinion out.Also set the lesson goal clear at the beginning of the lesson.This are my top hacks I use. Thank you.

  • Tips to get your students’ attention (and hold it). 1.Always practice attention signals and gestures like, give me five! and clap-in, The clap-in is a classic attention-getter for good reason. 2.Be clear, change the level and tone of your voice. 3.Ask student questions at random. 4.Use persuasive and appropriate body language to support your verbal teaching( 5.Cultivating cordial relationships with students ( you can spend some time regularly to interact with them and know about their lives.) The techniques mentioned above will help you attract maximum attention from your students.

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