Students ✋, which one is more challenging, grammar or listening? 😉

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7 answers from our tutors

  • Listening is more challenging

  • It could be both. However, grammar is a bit complicated. When it comes to listening, the only difficulty would be because of accents. Grammar has many rules that need to remembered and followed, therefore may be more difficult.

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  • In my experience, listening proves to be a challenge But as a teacher I have learnt to speak articulate so to give a better chance to the students in understanding what I am saying It also helps to do follow up questions with students if they can hear you and if your talking speed is at the right understanding and listening pace for them

  • When learning a new language , I believe listening is more challenging. I am also learning a new language and I find Grammar to be much easier than listening because I can always read. However, with listening the words you think you hear is not always as it sounds. Hope this helps.

  • As someone learning Spanish, I'd say listening is hardest. With grammar, I can look at it on a page or computer screen and think about it. With listening, I only have one chance to hear it and then it's gone. If I don't hear it clearly the first time (when talking to someone), I have to ask them to repeat it. This is embarrassing for me and can be frustrating for them (depending on the person).

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