I looking for a list that write into it, how to say correct : ui, ea, ei, ee, gh … things like that

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  • Hi there i can help you with lists. Fill in the correct sound EW OR UE 1.The bird fl__ across the sky. 2.Please dont arg__ with me. 3.He was a baby and then he gr__ up.

  • Phonetics (the study of how different sounds are made) in English can be a very tough nut to crack, and when you see some letters used in one instance in English, it can change quite radically in anohter sound. EE and EA together usually form the long i sound /i:/, but the EA in the word GREAT is pronounced /ei/ instead of /i:/ To make things even worse, Though, Thought, tough, bough, and cough have the same -ugh- ending but have very different sounds! though /tho:/, thought /thaht/, tough /toeff/, bough /bau/, and cough /kahf/ The best way of looking into these words is by consulting a dictionary, and as you are speaking out these words, pay attention to the way your mouth moves as you say them. This is the process that I use for ANY language that I am learning...this helps me out so my accents decline. Pay attention to your mouth!

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  • With so many exceptions to theses kind of sounds, its best to study phonics for each kind of sound they make. For example, the "gh" is silent in thought, but makes an "f" sound like in tough or phone.

  • English is an irregular language and "gh" has many variations: plough, thought, rough depending on the word it's in.

  • Other than finding phonemes chart, you can also search for the common vocabulary of each one of them, and separate the exceptions.

  • You need the Phonemics chart. You can also get the phone app

  • Hi! All of the following sounds are referred to as (complex vowels and sounds). You might need to work on phonics with a teacher. You can also discover tons of amazing videos on YoutTube by googling (complex vowel sounds) I hope it could address your question.

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