How would you use the 'serendipity' in a sentence? Share your example and explain the context.
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Example Sentence: "Stumbling upon that old bookstore while wandering through the city was pure serendipity, as I found a rare first edition of my favorite novel." Context: In this sentence, "serendipity" refers to the fortunate and unexpected discovery of the old bookstore and the rare book, which happened without any deliberate search or planning. The word is used to describe a happy accident or a pleasant surprise that occurs by chance.
Serendipity - is a happy chance, good fortune Serendipity brought them together when they unexpectedly met at the café.
(Example sentence) While exploring a new city, I stumbled upon a quaint little café that served the best coffee I've ever had . it was a lovely serendipity that made my trip even more enjoyable." (Context) In this sentence, serendipity refers to the happy accident of discovering a great café while exploring a new city.
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Through a stroke of serendipity, I stumbled upon a hidden gem of a bookstore while exploring the city.
Serendipity is like luck, but with a deeper meaning. Their paths fist crossed when the band played their first concert. They stood just a few feet from each other, sharing the highs and lows of the performance, whilst being complete strangers. Serendipity, would have it that they met when the band played their second gig at the same venue. This time, side by side, they looked at each other and smiled when the band played the one track they'd both been really waiting for.
The serendipitous encounter between the aspiring artist and the renowned curator at the gallery opening led to a successful mentorship and eventually, the artist's first solo exhibition. In this context, the aspiring artist unexpectedly meets a renowned curator at a gallery opening, which leads to a mentorship and a significant milestone in the artist's career. This example illustrates the happy, chance occurrence of events that result in positive outcomes, which is the essence of serendipity.
You can thank serendipity if you walk into a subway on a busy Monday morning and find an empty chair so that you can send that last-minute email to remind everyone else about the day's meeting. In this sentence, serendipity refers to good luck in finding valuable or heartwarming things unintentionally - a discovery through chance.
People are forever calling the good outcomes in life breaks, luck, coincidence, serendipity, fate, or whatever. "Serendipity" means "a happy coincidence"