How did you get to this point where you wanted to start teaching?

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Hello Eemaan! Thank you for the question! It comes from my childhood, when I was a little girl, I played with my younger brother the game as a teacher and student. I always had a desire to help people, to support them. I like to interact with people. Even I remember how I helped my brother with his homework. Being a young girl, I had enough patience to do it.

  • Hello, I am Thandeka and I finally reached a point where I wanted to teach after coming back from South Korea back in 2023, where I became aware that there was alot of communication barriers. This then, inspired me to want to teach in order to bridge the gap between these barriers.

  • During school, my teachers never really helped beyond the standard trivial lessons based on outdated books. There was neither practical part, nor useful information, which led me to give up. However, when I had to transfer and start studying in English with only a basic A2 level, I found myself in a difficult situation. I sought out numerous youtube tips, movies, tutors and books, but spent a lot of time without significant progress. Eventually, I discovered the best strategy for learning by heart, untilizing different apps and online resources. Recognizing that many others might face similar situations obstacles, I decided to accelerate the process and make improving of level easier for students.

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  • I'm honor to be part of this conversation,it all comes from my primary school life where I always love helping my friends with their home work right up to my secondary school level. It becomes part of my life when I prepare three of my friends for GCE exams and they all success. Teaching require love 💕, Time, wisdom and patience.I use it as an opportunity to help the world and people around me .

  • I got into teaching English accidentally, when some learners started to approach me with the desire of learning English from me. I started to enjoy teaching English and making a difference in people's lives.Being able to speak English well enhances one's self confidence. So I started loving the whole process of teaching english and boosting self confidence in my learners. It's been over 8 years now that I have been teaching English and it's a very gratifying job.

  • I got inspired by esl teachers on tik tok and this pushed me to do a teaching certificate as i long had interest on this,i got started and also got to inspire the upcoming teachers on socials

  • Teaching language came naturally in my case. When I was in high school, I helped my classmates with learning and understanding English, as my level at that time was already C1. When I was studying, I thought of teaching Spanish to young people to earn money. Last year, my mother's friend asked me to teach her daughter English. Thanks to these experiences, I realized I liked teaching, in particular when I saw my students' progress.

  • Why I Started Teaching: My journey began in process engineering, where I discovered my passion for mentoring and helping others succeed. Transitioning to teaching ESL felt natural because it allows me to combine my love for communication with the joy of empowering students. Watching them grow confident in English is incredibly rewarding and motivates me every day.

  • Teaching English is so much fun especially when you are helping people improve and reach their goals.

  • When I was at school I thought I would never become a teacher. But as you can guess «Never say never»😅 I just like it. When people think that they can’t do and tell your story they think that it is possible. So, I like it when others succeed in doing something. 🤝

  • The very first thing about me was this passion I have always had for communication and meeting new people! Sharing knowledge in a way that lets you build a relationship and talk about different topics was the main thing that lead me to begin teaching!

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