How can you become an English speaker?

they said William Shakespeare is the Father was founder of the English language why?

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* First of all keep this in your mind that learning a language is a fun, this will help you to overcome your fears. * Second if you have a vocabulary and you know few grammar rules than start thinking in English. *Third when you do mistake while speaking and someone laughs on you than also start laughing with him/ her on your mistake, this will help you to become confident. *My last suggestion to you is to watch some movies, channels of native English speakers that will improve not only your vocabulary but also your listening power. I hope these points will help you to become confident and fluent in English.

  • If you have a good communication skills and command on vocabulary then you can become an English speaker. It's not very difficult. You should have a strong and clear mindset .

  • Lots of listening practice and conversation classes.

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  • Hy....have you hear about this saying "Practice makes a man perfect" So this is only a way to be good in engliah.

  • You can become an English speaker through practicing using different materials like music, reading, classes. As well as making friends who speaks the language can help you learn the language.

  • To become an English speaker you need to be fluent in English

  • Shakespeare was considered the father of English because his plays were creatively perfect & represented not just the language but the human condition, eg. "life". It's interesting (to me) to point out that even native speakers today have great difficulty reading Shakespeare because the grammar has changed so drastically since his time. As for "How can you...", the simplest answer is just do it. The more you practice, the better you'll get; once you can communicate at even a basic level and be understood, you're in the club. There's a Russian novelist, Joseph Conrad, who wrote in English but his English wasn't that good. No one cared because his writing (storytelling) was excellent. His book "Heart of Darkness" was adapted into the movie "Apocalypse Now"; Conrad's "The Secret Agent" created the genre of spy fiction and experts say Conrad is the genre's father. He did all of this, even though he English wasn't that good. His purpose was clear, though, and that's all that mattered.

  • Speaking is a productive skill that cannot be improved unless you increase your exposure to the target language. The more you listen to English, the better speaker you become. Think of how you have acquired your mother tongue! We start to listen to our parents and the people around us, but we won’t be able to produce sounds until we reach one year or so. This is known as the silent period that every speaker will go through. The problem with ESL teachers is that they push their students to talk since day one! It’s helpful to created situations in which students can experiment with the language. Still, exposing them to the target language is the way to go, especially if you’re dealing with new ESL students.

  • You just need to speak English to become an English speaker. :) Even if it's a basic level. Proficiency level is the other topic to discuss. :) About Shakespeare - I think every famous writer in every country can be considered as on of the "fathers" of the language they wrote in. Mostly because they "preserved" the language of the time in their books. They show us the way people spoke. I mean, not all people but the forms they used were like some kind of a standard of the time.

  • I know all of you guys will answer the question but I just want to Know your point of view

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