Explain how the expressive function of speech differs from the informative function?

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  • The expressive function of speech is used to convey the speaker's emotions, feelings, or personal experiences. It focuses on revealing the speaker's inner world. For instance, saying, "I can't believe how happy I am today!" reflects an emotional state. In contrast, the informative function aims to provide factual information or share knowledge. It’s about communicating clear, objective content. For example, "Water boils at 100°C" is intended to inform the listener about a scientific fact. To summarize, the expressive function communicates feelings, while the informative function delivers facts or knowledge.

  • The informative function focuses more on facts and getting information across to the other person, as well as your understanding of this information; expressive function focuses on conveying thoughts, feelings, ideas, and emotions through language.

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  • Hi Gillian Expressive Function emphasizes personal emotions,Feelings and subjective experiences. It allows speakers to express thier personal thoughts and emotions often using language that reflects thier mood or attitude Informative function :Focuses on delivering fatual information and knowledge.It aims to educate or inform the audience about specific topic

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