Can someone tell me. Is there a difference between English and literature

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No, literature is a learning topic in English, it's about poems and stories etc.

  • English refers to the spoken language, where as literature refers to the study of texts written in the English language.

  • Literature is anything written. English is a language or a nationality. As a school subject name English is the language, grammar and vocabulary ect... Literature is books, novels, poems and plays.

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  • Well English is the big umbrella, it is the language in which things are communicated (Written or spoken). It has many branches including literature, which includes things like poetry, novels, stories and so on.

  • The difference between English and literature is the same as the difference between Maths and Physics. )))))) Such question has never come to my mind)))))))

  • No doubt, literature is an essential part of any language. But learning language itself is another aspect of language. So, both are different.

  • English pertains to the language generally. Its focuses on proper structures of words and their uses. Literature on the other hands are outputs or products imaginative minds expressed using a certain language like English. Example, poem and novels.

  • English is a language, but literature is written works. Studying a language is different from studying literature. Language study is the act of learning a particular language, including its grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and cultural context, whereas studying literature involves the analysis, interpretation, and appreciation of written works such as novels, poetry, plays and essays.

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