As a Tutor, has a student ever given you advise on a lesson? If so, what was it?

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Students always give me advice depending on how they want to be taught

  • Student always seek what is best for their development and I love and appreciate their feedback as it helps me to modify my approach and materials.

  • Yes one student gave me advice that when I talk I should slow down my speaking pace a bit so that they can clearly grasp what I was saying. So for me this has been the best advice ever and it has become a norm for me to ask each and every new student I meet whether my speaking pace is okay or do I have to slow down.

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  • Yes, most students know how they want their lessons to be conducted. What works for one won't work for another. I am always open to suggestions, because I want my students to feel comfortable and enjoy their language learning journey.

  • Yes, very recently, as I was correcting one of my student's grammatical mistakes in a transcript of a lesson we'd had by explaining why they were mistakes, he told me he didn't care if his English would be grammatically correct. He only sought a higher level of fluency. As my students are my customers, as well, I accepted wish without hesitation.

  • Not yet but I have learnt If you have a lesson prepared and they want to do something else, you have to be able to switch up quickly

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