Carolina Torres
Professor Nativo ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Você melhorará sua Fluência e Confiança ao falar Espanhol!
Avaliações dos alunos
she is amazing and fun. hannah says that she is although tierd during class time but very excited . all she wants to do is play with her friends outside after her lesson!
🩵🩵🩵 Hannah is one of the most amazing and intelligent people I have ever met, and always her energy makes our classes more than special! Thanks for your review Hannah's dad :D
Caro is an excellent teacher. She makes it easy to learn and, within a few weeks, gets you to the point where you can converse in Spanish.
Dear Johnathan, thank you so much for your kind words! It’s incredibly rewarding to see your progress and to help make Spanish feel natural for you. I’m so glad you're enjoying the journey—here's to even more great conversations ahead! 😊🩵
Carolina é uma tutora muito legal com uma energia divertida. Estou ansiosa para aprender meu espanhol com ela.
Thank you dear James! I’m so excited to help you learn Spanish, and I can’t wait for all the fun and progress ahead. Let’s make it a great experience together! 😊🩵
Ela tem um charme! Gostei do método personalizado de ensino dela e recomendo fortemente que você faça suas aulas.
Me encantó conocerte, y será un placer enseñarte mi lengua! 🩵
Desafia você de uma maneira boa.
Thank you dear Melisa! I’m so glad the challenges feel encouraging, I’m here to help you grow every step of the way! 😊🩵