Olya Peters
42 lekcija
Ja sam TEFL certificirani profesor engleskog jezika.
Zadnji put online prije 8 satiPredajeengleskiGovoriRuski(Nativni), Engleski, NorveškiSpecijalitetiCertificirano:TEFLPripremite se za ispiteRazgovarajte s ljudimaNaučite osnoveZa djecuPoboljšajte stručnostInteresi
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My name is Olya. I'm originally from Russia, but I have lived in England for over 20 years. I hold a BA degree in English, which provided me with great understanding of the English language and its nuances.
I've taught English for three years to students and pupils with different levels from beginners to advanced. I've also taught children for 12 years face to face and online after graduating with MA from Exeter University. So I have got a lot of teaching experience, as well as good knowledge of how to teach grammar and conversational English.
I am extremely passionate about teaching English and want to inspire you to learn such a fantastic language. Having learnt 3 languages myself, I understand the process of learning another language. Therefore, I am a patient, friendly and supportive teacher, who creates personalised lessons, tailored to your abilities. I am a great believer, that learning English should be fun, exciting and rewarding, so I use a lot of flash cards, educational games and videos, music and newspaper articles to make my lessons more engaging and interesting.
My hobbies include hiking, reading, painting and yoga. My dream is to speak fluent Italian.
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Thank you Helena!