Mark Coles
22 lekcija
Učitelj britanskog ESL jezika koji je materinji jezik i certificirani instruktor engleskog jezika
Zadnji put online prošle godinePredajeengleskiGovoriEngleski(Nativni)SpecijalitetiCertificirano:TEFLPripremite se za ispitePoslujteRazgovarajte s ljudimaNaučite osnoveZa djecuPoboljšajte stručnostInteresi
Mark is a progressive and innovative teacher, creating interactive lessons that harness the interests of the learners. Motivational classes ensure the student remains enthusiastic and motivated to continue learning the English language.
Mark has been teaching for 15 years specialising in the English language, including Business English. Having taught both children, teens and adults in the UK, Spain, and Thailand he has now reached the position of Academic Manager (Director of Studies). H
Lessons are developed based on the needs of the learner. Classes are adapted to the development of the student and in line with their work or study requirements.
Your first lesson will include a Placement Test which will evaluate your four language skill sets, in accordance with British Council assessment standards - speaking, listening, reading, and writing. You will be given feedback about your CEFR levels and a plan for future development.
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I am happy with Mark's positive attitude to the student and with his aim on practical aspects of the language and on gain of self-confidence of the student. And thanks for the patience, Mark!