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Kimberly Ann Potts

Kimberly Ann Potts

My name is Kimberly. I'm an experienced copywriter and editor. I like writing about complex topics to help readers find the correct answers.

How to use cannot, can not, and can’t correctly and properly in a sentence

How to use cannot, can not, and can’t correctly and properly in a sentence

“Cannot” and “can’t” mean the same thing, i.e., the inability to do something. However, they are both used in different ways.

Kimberly Ann Potts
Kimberly Ann Potts
Fewer vs. Less: How to use less and fewer in a sentence

Fewer vs. Less: How to use less and fewer in a sentence

Less is a term suitable to qualify objects (either in terms of qualities or quantities) that are uncountable and in a smaller amount. Fewer is a comparative form of few used for qualifying small countable nouns that you can count one by one.

Kimberly Ann Potts
Kimberly Ann Potts
How to use “Hear hear” and “Here here” in a sentence

How to use “Hear hear” and “Here here” in a sentence

During the debate, it is common to hear a member/s of parliament shout, “Hear him, hear him,” to draw the attention of members to a point made by another member during their sittings.

Kimberly Ann Potts
Kimberly Ann Potts
The correct use of a colon in a sentence

The correct use of a colon in a sentence

A colon is a punctuation mark writers use to introduce a list of things or amplify a clause that precedes its use.

Kimberly Ann Potts
Kimberly Ann Potts
What is a Run-On Sentence and How to Correct It?

What is a Run-On Sentence and How to Correct It?

A run-on sentence is a sentence made up of improperly connected independent clauses. Having a run-on sentence in your writing is evidence of poor grammar.

Kimberly Ann Potts
Kimberly Ann Potts