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Cecilia Gigliotti

Cecilia Gigliotti

I have extensive experience writing in a variety of genres, from literary novels to music reviews to academic articles. I appreciate the power of words.

How to Spell the Plural of Monkey—Monkeys or Monkies?

How to Spell the Plural of Monkey—Monkeys or Monkies?

Words that end in y tend to be difficult to classify: the rules differ depending on the letters that surround them; and sometimes an s is merely tacked onto the end of the word, whereas in other cases the entire ending is transformed, most often to -ies.

Cecilia Gigliotti
Cecilia Gigliotti
How Do You Use the Expression “Greatly Appreciated”?

How Do You Use the Expression “Greatly Appreciated”?

You’ve probably seen the phrase “greatly/highly appreciated” in written forms of communication. It can be a tricky expression for non-native speakers to grasp as it appears not to be complete on its own.

Cecilia Gigliotti
Cecilia Gigliotti
Idioms & expressions
Is It Correct to Say “Funnier” or “More Funny?”

Is It Correct to Say “Funnier” or “More Funny?”

Sometimes the comparative is built into the word itself, and other times it is paired with “more” or “less.” Unlike the term fun, which is a noun in and of itself and is almost always reserved for use with “more” or “less.”

Cecilia Gigliotti
Cecilia Gigliotti
What is the Meaning of “On Tap?”

What is the Meaning of “On Tap?”

The phrase “on tap” has migrated out from its business of origin into the general English lexicon over the course of decades. What “on tap” means at a bar is slightly different to how it is used in everyday conversation, but the essence remains.

Cecilia Gigliotti
Cecilia Gigliotti
What Does “Okie-Dokie” Mean?

What Does “Okie-Dokie” Mean?

Okie-dokie is a variant of OK, which has a fascinating history all its own.

Cecilia Gigliotti
Cecilia Gigliotti
What is “Read Between the Lines”?

What is “Read Between the Lines”?

To read between the lines, sometimes varied as to read in between the lines, is a common expression about interpreting meaning beyond what someone says or does on the surface.

Cecilia Gigliotti
Cecilia Gigliotti
Possible Abbreviations for Management

Possible Abbreviations for Management

Abbreviations can be difficult for both native and non-native speakers of English to learn.

Cecilia Gigliotti
Cecilia Gigliotti
What is the Meaning of the “Karma is a Bitch!” Phrase?

What is the Meaning of the “Karma is a Bitch!” Phrase?

Karma is specifically a principle of Hinduism and Buddhism that concerns the idea of “you get what you give.”

Cecilia Gigliotti
Cecilia Gigliotti
Idioms & expressions